In line doping
During cargo transfer from terminal to ship or during ship to ship operations, additives are injected into the cargo line. This method provides the best mix of additives with cargo, and as a result the best homogeneity is achieved.
Doping in tank/Onboard the vessel
Doping can be performed directly in to the cargo tanks whether at the jetty, or on board the vessel. If on board the vessel the additives can be applied in port, at anchorage or during the voyage.
Treatment on Refineries
Treatment operations at refineries can be performed during different stages of production. In cooperation with refinery management, we select the best solution to provide our services, depending on the product needs to be treated by additives. Both, crude and finished products can be treated to improve cargo parameters, safety and handling.
Contractual Service
For our customers, we offer contractual conditions that involve cooperation number of different bonuses and discounts, depending on the duration of the contract.